Growing up with Agile – Minimum Viable Bureaucracy at Spotify

The Spotify ‘model’ was presented in 2012 and has stired a lot of interest in the agile community and the software industry in general. In May I was asked to talk about this a the Bay Area Agile Leadership Network meetup in San Francisco (where I at that time was working as an agile coach at the Spotify office): Since 2012 Spotify has continued to grow hectically. How has agile evolved at Spotify since then? Going back in time, and following the latest structural changes makes it clear that the model was never the primary mover: instead a number of core principles and ambitions has worked as constraints on how to grow the most suitable organization for the task, with small enough structure to help but not be in the way: you could call it Minimum Viable Bureaucracy.

You can find the slides at

Better meetings with the Core Protocols

Good meetings is very much about achieving deep collaboration. But collaboration is often hard. We go into meetings with different modes, intentions, and expectations. How can we make meetings both more fun and energetic? Surprisingly enough: maybe by being more formalized. Core Protocols Stack helps shaping better meetings. Here’s a workshop you can use to introduce Core Protocols to a team.

You can read more about it in this blogpost and get access to the presentation here.

Tillsammans – handbok för agila chefer

Tillsammans - den agile chefens handbok

Programmerarna är i dag Stockholms största yrkeskår sägs det numera. Det är en extremt eftertraktad grupp människor eftersom det råder sådan skriande brist på duktiga programmerare. Det gör förstås att programmerarnas arbetsplatser blir lite speciella: om jag inte trivs här står massor av andra företag och skriker efter mig. Programmerarna har därmed en alldeles speciell makt i sitt arbetsliv.

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